Getting Started for Admins

Getting Started for Admins

Useful how-to videos on how you can get started with altHR

How to Complete Your altHR Experience For Your Company

This video is an admin guide on how to complete your altHR experience for your company. This video covers all the modules that the admin will have access to in order to kickstart their altHR journey.

How to Set Up A Company in altHR

Before you start implementing altHR amongst your employees, setting up a company would be the first step after you have an overview of how each module can benefit you as well as their use cases.

This video covers some of the minimum settings you need to set up for your company. It does not go into details but you could get a glimpse of what details and settings would be required before you kick off with your operations.

Kickstart the altHR experience for your company

AltHR is essentially a human resource solution that helps your company achieve these three main purposes:

  1. Digitise HR operations and reduce manual work for your HR admins.
  2. Increase employee happiness and engagement with the company.
  3. Adapt to the new normal of remote working.

Here’s a quick summary of the features and how it helps your company achieve the above purposes.