Easily control your email preferences in-app!

New Feature
July 28, 2020
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As part of our new update, we’re happy to introduce you a brand new feature; email notification settings! Say you’re an employee and are receiving too many email notifications on status changes of your many expense requests. Or perhaps you’re a PA and are receiving too many irrelevant email notifications of your manager’s team’s leave requests. With this new feature, you can easily control your email preferences!

From your app home page, select the menu icon on the top left corner and you’ll be presented with the settings menu. Select the “App Settings” option.

From here, select the “Email settings” option to open up the settings page.

Once done, depending on your role in the company, you’ll be presented with options and toggles. As a normal employee with no manager or PA designation, you would see an “Own Requests” toggle option, where if toggled on you will be notified of status changes of your own leave, expense and travel requests. As a manager, you’d see a second “Team Requests” toggle option, where if toggled on you will be notified of new leave, expense and travel requests from your own team. Thirdly, as a PA to a manager, you’d see a third “Manager Team Requests” toggle option, where if toggled on you will be notified of new leave, expense and travel requests from your manager’s team.

A simple in-app function applicable to all altHR users, you can now streamline your inbox to only include relevant email notifications.