Introducing the all-new Spaces module!

New Feature
November 10, 2020
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With the new-normal in place and occupancy availability limits set up in most public spaces, you can now achieve the same goal with your office spaces in this new module! Have multiple working spaces and want to set occupancy limits for your employees? Then this one’s for you.

From the admin dashboard, select the Spaces module and you’ll be brought to its home page. Click on “Create New Space” to add an office space, set the maximum capacity, set the capacity percentage and set check-out reminders. Once you’ve added a space, you’ll see a QR code generated as well. Download that, print it and paste it outside your work spaces so your employees can scan it to check into the space.

On the mobile app, you’ll then see the Spaces module tile. Tap into it and you’ll see the available spaces along with their current occupancy. If the space is not full yet, you can click on the “Check In” button to scan the space’s QR code and check yourself in.

A simple check-in tool to ensure occupancy limit and adhere to safe distance measures, you can now make use of this feature on altHR!